Tasks Ahead

Tasks Ahead

July 2024   
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Budget Suggestions

Budget Suggestions

June 2024   
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Need an Investment Promotion Agency

Need an Investment Promotion Agency

May 2024   
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After MLP

After MLP

April 2024   
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Forex Euphoria

Forex Euphoria

March 2024   
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Positive Outlook

Positive Outlook

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For Meaningful Peace

For Meaningful Peace

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Hope of Institutions

Hope of Institutions

. . . Read more »

Businessmen Ministers

Businessmen Ministers

. . . Read more »

Government's Priorities

Government's Priorities

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What next?

What next?

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Business Leadership

Business Leadership

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Mission Economic

Mission Economic

July 2023   
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Revival Path

Revival Path

June 2023   
The business community in Nepal is facing challenges during the ongoing recession and is unlikely to receive support from the political leadership, which is preoccupied with political maneuvering. . . . Read more »

Days Ahead

Days Ahead

MAY 2023   
This passage examines the political landscape in Nepal following the dissolution of the parliament. It emphasizes the uncertainty surrounding the country's economic recovery and the opportunity for . . . Read more »

Job and Justice

Job and Justice

MAY 2023   
This passage discusses the interrelated issues of employment, poverty reduction, and social justice in Nepal. It highlights the connection between unemployment and poverty, emphasizing that social . . . Read more »

The 2nd Year Greetings [EDITORIAL - May 2002]

The 2nd Year Greetings [EDITORIAL - May 2002]

APRIL 2023   
The year 2058 of Bikram Sambat that began with the full blown spring in 2001 also heralded the dawn of a new era in business journalism in Nepal with the first issue of New Business Age (NBA) hitting . . . Read more »

New Strategy [EDITORIAL - April 2002]

New Strategy [EDITORIAL - April 2002]

MARCH 2023   
With the budget preparation process already in motion for the coming fiscal year, the business community of the country has started the annual ritual of collecting recommendations and . . . Read more »

NDF & After [EDITORIAL - March 2002]

NDF & After [EDITORIAL - March 2002]

Finance Minister Dr. Ram Sharan Mahat did have a reason to dance at the conclusion of the February 2002 meeting of the Nepal Development Forum (NDF) in . . . Read more »

Donors Vs. Private Sector [EDITORIAL - February 2002]

Donors Vs. Private Sector [EDITORIAL - February 2002]

Given the present realities, much more on the economic front of Nepal is to depend now than in the past on the support from the donors. At the same time, it is also true that the donors will lose . . . Read more »

Recovery Wishes [EDITORIAL - January 2002]

Recovery Wishes [EDITORIAL - January 2002]

The patient has been on the operation theatre for a month under the emergency rule in an effort to remove a tumour. And sooner the operation is over and the patient taken out of the theatre, the . . . Read more »

Entrepot Culture [EDITORIAL - December 2001]

Entrepot Culture [EDITORIAL - December 2001]

Going round the Nepali market, anyone can see that the country is becoming the largest ‘department store on earth (141000 sq. km). To make the expression harsher, one can even go on to say that it . . . Read more »

Reforms Sans Principles [EDITORIAL- September 2001]

 Reforms Sans Principles [EDITORIAL- September 2001]

The government anounced land reform measures without first establishing its ownership right over land, which is now owned by individuals who hold title documents that are officially called . . . Read more »

Power Monopoly [EDITORIAL- September 2001]

Power Monopoly [EDITORIAL- September 2001]

Another round of issuing statemens by various interest groups followed the latest announcement by Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) for power traffic . . . Read more »

Too Good to Believe [EDITORIAL -- August 2001]

 Too Good to Believe [EDITORIAL -- August 2001]

Despite the extremely fluid political and business climate throughout the last twelve months, the new fiscal year 2001-2002 has started on some fresh and happy notes. . . . Read more »

Coping with Tragedy [EDITORIAL]

Coping with Tragedy [EDITORIAL]

No doubt the ramifications of the June 1st massacre in Narayanhity Royal Palace are wide-ranging to affect all aspects of national . . . Read more »

Army at the Customs [EDITORIAL]

Army at the Customs [EDITORIAL]

JUNE 2022   
After His Majesty’s Government deployed the army for patrolling the national borders to check smuggling (not infiltration), a section of the business community has been euphoric, while a pall of . . . Read more »

Forget the Government [FIRST EDITORIAL]

 Forget the Government [FIRST EDITORIAL]

MAY 2022   
Blaming the government for anything that goes wrong seems to be the usual pastime as well as the business of the private sector. After a short lull of several months, the carpetwallahs have once . . . Read more »

Private Sector Development, Wage Increase & Power Shortage

Private Sector Development, Wage Increase & Power Shortage

MAY 2022   
Macro-economic stability and business friendly environment are essential elements for the development of the private sector. Nepal's macroeconomic indicators are . . . Read more »

Secrets of Prosperity

Secrets of Prosperity

MAY 2022   
Recently when I entered the Pilgrim's bookshop, the store-manager was waiting for eye contact. As soon as I was through putting my bag at the gate, he approached me with a smile and greeted me with . . . Read more »

Republic at Last : Nepal Made History

Republic at Last : Nepal Made History

MAY 2022   
When the first sitting of the Constituent Assembly of Nepal late in the evening of May 28 formally adopted the motion to declare Nepal a Federal Democratic Republic, it marked the end of an era from . . . Read more »

Strategy for FDI Mobilization Into Nepal

Strategy for FDI Mobilization Into Nepal

MAY 2022   
The buzz word these days is “double digit growth”. This is more abuzz now than ever before simply because the Maoist leader Dr. Baburam Bhattarai underscored it as being . . . Read more »

CSR in South Asia

CSR in South Asia

MAY 2022   
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an agenda as old as enterprise itself. But globalization now appears to be encouraging a market driven cycle of CSR pressures that stimulate voluntary, . . . Read more »

Aarthik Abhiyan Goes Daily

Aarthik Abhiyan Goes Daily

MAY 2022   
Aarthik Abhiyan, Nepal's pioneer business-political weekly, has become a national business daily. Finance Minister Surendra Pandey launched the Aarthik Abhiyan daily in the capital on September . . . Read more »