
Fare For Domestic Flights Drops
Fare For Domestic Flights Drops
  0   1 minutes 59 seconds to read

With a cut in the price of aviation fuel, Airlines Operators’ Association of Nepal has slashed the fare for domestic…

Domestic Flights to Remain Closed on Election Day
Domestic Flights to Remain Closed on Election Day
  0   1 minutes 1 seconds to read

May 9: The Airlines Operators Association of Nepal (AOAN) on Sunday informed that domestic flights will remain closed on May 13 considering the shutdown of all kinds of transportation services on the day of local…

Load Shedding Returns after 4 Years 
Load Shedding Returns after 4 Years 
  0   5 minutes 49 seconds to read

April 28: Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has formally started load shedding in the industrial sector after it failed to import electricity from…

NATTA Objects to Increase in Airport Charge   
NATTA Objects to Increase in Airport Charge   
  0   1 minutes 8 seconds to read

April 26: The Nepal Association of Tours and Travel Agents (NATTA) has expressed concerns regarding the government’s decision to increase the airport service…

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