Westerly Low Pressure System likely to Cause Rain, Snowfall   

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Westerly Low Pressure System likely to Cause Rain, Snowfall   

February 21: Light rainfall coupled with thunder and lightning is likely to occur at a few places of Madesh Province and Bagmati provinces on Wednesday due to an impact of the westerly low pressure system in the weather, according to the Meteorological Forecasting Division under the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology.    
The weather would remain partly to generally cloudy throughout the country today, meteorologist at the Division Sanjiv Adhikari said. "The temperature shall remain unchanged," he added.    
The division stated that chances of light to moderate snowfall are likely at some places of the high hills and mountainous region of the country.    
According to Adhikari, the impacts of the westerly low pressure system has gradually shifted to Gandaki Province, Bagmati Province and the eastern belt of the country from the Sudurpaschim and Karnali provinces.    
The division shared that chances of rain are more likely on Thursday compared to Wednesday and the weather shall be gradually clear from Friday.    
The weather is likely to remain partly to generally cloudy throughout the country on Wednesday night and light rain or thunder and lightning is likely to occur at a few places in Gandaki, Karnali and Sudur Pashchim provinces and hill regions of the country. -- RSS

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